Living is a happiness Living is a happiness
Preliminary interest

Cookies policy

What the cookie files (cookies) are:

In order to improve the services provided, our website uses cookies. The cookies are small files that store information in your browser and are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, the user´s person is not identifiable on the basis of this information.

Therefore, the cookies help e.g.:

You can find further general information related to the cookies e.g. here.

Personal data administrator:

The administrator of your personal data, which in most cases are also the cookies, is the company Coopera Development s.r.o.,  ID:24291633  with its registered office at Evropská 866/71, Vokovice, 160 00 Praha 6, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague under Document Number B 18164.

How long we process the cookies:

In terms of their persistence, the cookies used on our website can be divided into two basic types:

The short-term, so-called "session cookies", which are only temporary and remain stored in your browser only for the duration of your session, i.e. until you close the browser.

The second type are the long-term, so-called "persistent cookies", which, based on your consent, remain stored in your device for the period of validity according to the cookies settings or until your consent is revoked.

What cookies:

In view of the function performed by the individual cookies, they can be divided into:

Your consent is not required to use the essential cookies, thanks to which our website works properly, and you cannot even refuse the use of these cookies. The processing is possible thanks to our legitimate interest.

On the contrary, we need your consent to use advertising, analytic and preferential cookies. You can grant it to us via the cookie bar, which is displayed when you enter our website. Of course, you can change your choice at any time later.

Third party cookies

Some cookies may collect information which is subsequently used by third parties and which, for example, directly supports our advertising activities (the so-called "third party cookies"). For example, the information about the products purchased by the visitors to our website may be displayed by an advertising agency so that we can better customize the display of online advertising banners on the websites you view. This all is naturally carried out only with your consent to advertising cookies. Nevertheless, we cannot identify you on the basis of this information.

However, we have no control over how these third parties use cookies, which is why we recommend that you visit their websites and check the methods of using and administering cookies directly with them:

As we use advanced tools to improve our website and services, some of your personal information may be handed over to third countries outside the European Union. However, we always hand over such personal data in compliance with all the standards of the personal data due diligence and provided that the recipient of your personal data is bound by the EU standard contractual data protection clauses or that it has provided another appropriate guarantee of personal data protection.

How to refuse the use of cookies

In addition to the settings in the cookie bar, the use of cookies can also be set using your internet browser. You can use your web browser to reject cookies or to set the use of certain cookies only. However, in the case of a ban or restriction of certain types of cookies in your browser, the proper running of our website cannot be guaranteed.

You can find the information about browsers and about the way of setting the preferences for cookies on the following websites:

Internet Edge

An effective cookies management tool is also available on

Further information:

In the case of any questions concerning cookies, you can contact as by email at

You can read more about the processing of personal data, your rights or communication with the Office for Personal Data Protection (Úřad na ochranu osobních údajů) in the section Information about the Personal Data Processing.

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Information on processing personal data.